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Updating squeezebox server on linux

Every now and then the squeezebox software (point web browser to port 9000 on the linux box you installed it on) reports there is a new version available. The first few times I tried to install I ended up uninstalling and having to enter all the settings again.

So here is the way I now do it:
Open a terminal window or xterm and change to root

use "su -" and enter the root password

First stop the squeezebox server.

service squeezeboxserver stop

I check it has stopped and if it hasn't I use "kill -9" to kill the two squeezebox tasks that are running.

Next install the update. I use "yum"

yum reinstall squeezeboxserver

You can try updating it ("yum update") but I used "reinstall" as this works when you have a failed update attempt already.

You can use "rpm" but yum will also download the latest version for you.

Note: you may need to add the repository for squeezebox server

rpm -Uvh

Check it is running:

root@storage1 ~]# service squeezeboxserver status
squeezeboxserver (pid 32458) is running...

And hopefully the new version is now installed.

I have found that the "service" command doesn't always know it is running and responds as follows:

[root@storage1 ~]# service squeezeboxserver status
squeezeboxserver dead but subsys locked


ps -ef | grep squ

This will show the tasks running.

[root@storage1 ~]# ps -ef | grep squ
487 32502 1 1 15:11 ? 00:00:10 /usr/bin/perl /usr/libexec/squeezeboxserver --daemon --prefsdir=/var/lib/squeezeboxserver/prefs --logdir=/var/log/squeezeboxserver --cachedir=/var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache --charset=utf8
487 32503 32502 0 15:11 ? 00:00:03 /usr/libexec/mysqld --defaults-file=/var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/my.cnf
root 32708 3975 0 15:26 pts/1 00:00:00 grep squ

This happened when the squeezeboxserver reported that some of the plugins had been updated and offered to restart.


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